Greenway Minutes 2013 |
- January 9, 2013
- February 13, 2013
- April 10, 2013
- May 8, 2013
- June 12, 2013
- Sept. 9, 2013
- Oct. 22, 2013
- Nov. 13, 2013
- Dec. 16, 2013
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated he was awaiting the February update from Jeovanny Rodriguez, City of Miami, Assistant Director, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Department, to the following summary document entitled, “$7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – January 9, 2013”
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: FY ’11 – ’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one-year extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Need to Commence Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) LAP EXECUTED 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on April 30, 2012
3) Executed construction contracts (City Commission approved on September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 16, 2013)
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated December 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) City will provide plans to MRC
7) If project not completed by June 30, City would need to request time extension
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City requests for 2 one year extensions to June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Addendum #4 issued making minor revision to design to incorporate existing riverfront public pocket parks owned by AT&T (NW 1 ST) via JOC in June 2013 – City will try to address NW 2 ST existing riverfront pocket park (owned by WASD) by including a bench and trash can on the City owned right of way facing the waterfront, but maybe difficult as located on a curve in the road
2) Issued construction Notice to Proceed late July 2011
3) Estimated construction period August 20, 2011 – February 15, 2012
4) FPL work needed
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Need to commence construction
Needed Action Items:
1) FDOT executed LAP 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on June 11, 2012
3) Executed construction contract (City Commission approved September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 16, 2013)
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated January 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) If not 100% complete by June 30, 2013, City would need to request a time extension from FDOT in June 2013
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Advertised for construction bids (July 2011)
2) Executed construction contract October 15, 2011
3) Issued construction Notice to Proceed (estimated February 17, 2012)
4) Field Change / updated plans to move trees on eastern end to not obstruct planned public walkway parallel to bridge connecting to public riverwalk at planned Big Fish restaurant
5) Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated February 17, 2012 – February 15, 2013)
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status: Under Construction - 10 month construction period (2/11 – 12/11) 8th extended 100% complete date February 1, 2012
Needed Action Items:
1) FINISH (install informational kiosks, restore Greenfield Garden, remove old light poles by FPL, drainage at NW 12 Ave Bridge on FDOT ROW?, harmonization, sidewalk 6.5’ vs 7’ feet wide? etc.)
2) City issued liquidation damages ($500 per calendar day) on contractor for exceeding extended contractual substantial completion date?
3) Completion Committee formulated with representatives from City CIP, contractor, residents, and MRC – Last Meeting 6/14/12, Greenfield Garden, 6 PM
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, $140,000 in design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Commenced design – estimated design completion February 2013
Construction Status: Need to design before construction; FDOT Executed LAP agreement (City Commission approved)
Needed Action Items:
1) City will provide MRC 60% complete plans
2) Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 at the latest (last 2 LAP agreements between City and FDOT took 8 months for approval - would be October 2013, plus 3 months for City to then advertise for bids and contract, plus NTP, takes timeline into 2014 and if construction period is 10 months again this project would exceed grant invoice and reimburse entire project deadline of June 30, 2014 – Therefore need to start expediting this project to meet grant deadline of completion by June 30, 2014)
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)- City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting.
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items:
1- ACOE denied dock permit, City will submit redesigned dock to ACOE
2- Transition into MDC’s adjacent designed riverwalk
3- Advertise for Construction Bids (estimated June 2013)
4- City Commission (estimated September 2013)
5- Execute Construction Contracts (estimated October 2013)
6- Issue NTP (estimated November 2013)
7- Construction (estimated November 1, 2013– June 15, 2014)
8- City will request time extension in June 2013
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Need to contract engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) Execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Repair / Re-Open Free Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: Contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applies for a FIND 50% cost share grant
3) Construction estimated June-September 2013
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction will commence prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, previously provided the following update: Miami Dade County has contracted the construction of the following 100% designed and funded sections of the public Riverwalk, on County owned riverfront sites:
Site 1 (South Shore 2nd Avenue)
Site 2 (South Shore Metro-Mover)
Site 3 (North Shore South Miami Avenue Bridge)
Site 6 (North Shore Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department)
Ms. Moorey stated the pre-construction meeting was November 27, 2012, and Notice to Proceed (NTP) construction was issued January 14, 2013, and estimated to be completed in August 2013.
On August 24, Miami-Dade County submitted additional written information as requested by FDEP regarding the pending FDEP permit applications for the County’s fully funded and designed County owned public Miami Riverwalk sites 4 & 5, located on unimproved public right of way beneath Metro-Rail on the Miami River’s North and South Shores. On September 28, Ms. Jennifer Smith, FDEP, emailed MDC, “We discussed this project last week with staff in Tallahassee and we came up with a few potential options that we are exploring with our legal staff to see how we may be able to most quickly come to a resolution. I will check in with everyone and give you an update as soon as possible.” Ms. Moorey reported the US Army Corps of Engineer’s recently executed permits for sites 4 & 5. Mr. Spencer Crowley, FIND, is assisting the County’s efforts to obtain the last easements & permits which remain outstanding from FDEP for the County’s fully designed and funded sites 4 & 5.
FIND thankfully awarded MDC a $500,000 grant for a cost share in sites 1,2,3 and 6. Miami-Dade County is now applying for a $500,000 matching FIND grant for sites 4 & 5, Metro-Rail north and south shores. Therefore the remaining balance of MDC’s $7.5 million “Miami River Greenway” line item in the voter approved bond issue maybe used to design and construct additional County owned site’s needing the public Riverwalk, including but not limited to Robert King High, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST. Director Bibeau reported he met with the district’s County Commissioner’s Barreiro, whom expressed support for continuing to use the County bond funding to construct the public Miami River Greenway in a more continuous fashion from east to west, regardless of property ownership.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, with construction along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge will break ground prior to the application’s November deadline, and connect to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. Private Sector Riverwalk Construction Updates – Director Bibeau reported the City of Miami’s Waterfront Advisory Board has been seeking an update from the City Administration regarding the remaining public riverwalks constructed inconsistent with City approvals. The City has deferred the update to the Waterfront Advisory Board’s February public and televised meeting.
IV. New Business – MRC Director Bibeau thanked the estimated 30 volunteers whom on Saturday, December 8, 2012, 9 – 11 AM, planted, painted, pulled weeds, removed litter and exotic species, and spread recycled mulch, along the Miami River Greenway’s South Shore, from Jose Marti Park to NW 1 ST. MRC Director Bibeau stated the next Miami River Greenway beautification volunteer events will be on Saturday, January 19 and January 26, 2013, planting, painting, pulling weeds, removing litter and exotic species, and spreading recycled mulch, along the Miami River Greenway’s north shore, from I-95 to NW 7 Ave.
Director Bibeau reported the annual “Orange Bowl Paddle Championship” on January 13, 2013 includes the Miami River on January 13, and the annual ING Marathon, including portions of the Miami River, is on January 27, 2013.
The Greenways subcommittee’s regular monthly public meeting schedule remains the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 2 PM. Therefore the next public meeting is Wednesday, February 13, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street. The attendance sign in sheet is enclosed. The previously distributed November 5, 2012 Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
Attendees include:
- Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County
- Brett Bibeau, MRC
- Ernie Martin, MRC
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated he was awaiting the February update from Jeovanny Rodriguez, City of Miami, Assistant Director, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Department, to the following summary document entitled, “$7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – January 9, 2013”
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: FY ’11 – ’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one-year extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Need to Commence Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) LAP EXECUTED 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on April 30, 2012
3) Executed construction contracts (City Commission approved on September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 16, 2013)
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated December 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) City will provide plans to MRC
7) If project not completed by June 30, City would need to request time extension
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City requests for 2 one year extensions to June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Addendum #4 issued making minor revision to design to incorporate existing riverfront public pocket parks owned by AT&T (NW 1 ST) via JOC in June 2013 – City will try to address NW 2 ST existing riverfront pocket park (owned by WASD) by including a bench and trash can on the City owned right of way facing the waterfront, but maybe difficult as located on a curve in the road
2) Issued construction Notice to Proceed late July 2011
3) Estimated construction period August 20, 2011 – February 15, 2012
4) FPL work needed
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Need to commence construction
Needed Action Items:
1) FDOT executed LAP 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on June 11, 2012
3) Executed construction contract (City Commission approved September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 16, 2013)
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated January 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) If not 100% complete by June 30, 2013, City would need to request a time extension from FDOT in June 2013
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Advertised for construction bids (July 2011)
2) executed construction contract October 15, 2011
3) Issued construction Notice to Proceed (estimated February 17, 2012)
4) Field Change / updated plans to move trees on eastern end to not obstruct planned public walkway parallel to bridge connecting to public riverwalk at planned Big Fish restaurant
5) Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated February 17, 2012 – February 15, 2013)
6) Is the new tree size to spec??
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status: Under Construction - 10 month construction period (2/11 – 12/11) 8th extended 100% complete date February 1, 2012
Needed Action Items:
1) FINISH (install informational kiosks, restore Greenfield Garden, remove old light poles by FPL, drainage at NW 12 Ave Bridge on FDOT ROW?, harmonization, sidewalk 6.5’ vs 7’ feet wide? etc.)
2) City issued liquidation damages ($500 per calendar day) on contractor for exceeding extended contractual substantial completion date?
3) Completion Committee formulated with representatives from City CIP, contractor, residents, and MRC – Last Meeting 6/14/12, Greenfield Garden, 6 PM
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, $140,000 in design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Commenced design – estimated design completion February 2013
Construction Status: Need to design before construction; FDOT Executed LAP agreement (City Commission approved)
Needed Action Items:
1) City will provide MRC 60% complete plans
2) Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 at the latest (last 2 LAP agreements between City and FDOT took 8 months for approval - would be October 2013, plus 3 months for City to then advertise for bids and contract, plus NTP, takes timeline into 2014 and if construction period is 10 months again this project would exceed grant invoice and reimburse entire project deadline of June 30, 2014 – Therefore need to start expediting this project to meet grant deadline of completion by June 30, 2014)
3) Swire Properties, Citi Center, will fund and construct one block of the south side of SE 5 ST on road Miami River Greenway, from South Miami Ave Bridge to Metro-Mover
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)- City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting.
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items:
1- ACOE denied dock permit, City will submit redesigned dock to ACOE
2- Transition into MDC’s adjacent designed riverwalk
3- Advertise for Construction Bids (estimated June 2013)
4- City Commission (estimated September 2013)
5- Execute Construction Contracts (estimated October 2013)
6- Issue NTP (estimated November 2013)
7- Construction (estimated November 1, 2013– June 15, 2014)
8- City will request time extension in June 2013
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Need to contract engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Repair / Re-Open Free Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: Contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applies for a FIND 50% cost share grant
3) Construction estimated June-September 2013
4) Temporary repairs allowed reopening to public in February
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction will commence prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, previously provided the following update: Miami Dade County has contracted the construction of the following 100% designed and funded sections of the public Riverwalk, on County owned riverfront sites:
Site 1 (South Shore 2nd Avenue)
Site 2 (South Shore Metro-Mover)
Site 3 (North Shore South Miami Avenue Bridge)
Site 6 (North Shore Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department)
Ms. Moorey stated the pre-construction meeting was November 27, 2012, and Notice to Proceed (NTP) construction was issued January 14, 2013, and estimated to be completed in August 2013.
On August 24, Miami-Dade County submitted additional written information as requested by FDEP regarding the pending FDEP permit applications for the County’s fully funded and designed County owned public Miami Riverwalk sites 4 & 5, located on unimproved public right of way beneath Metro-Rail on the Miami River’s North and South Shores. On September 28, Ms. Jennifer Smith, FDEP, emailed MDC, “We discussed this project last week with staff in Tallahassee and we came up with a few potential options that we are exploring with our legal staff to see how we may be able to most quickly come to a resolution. I will check in with everyone and give you an update as soon as possible.” Ms. Moorey reported the US Army Corps of Engineer’s recently executed permits for sites 4 & 5. Mr. Spencer Crowley, FIND, is assisting the County’s efforts to obtain the last easements & permits which remain outstanding from FDEP for the County’s fully designed and funded sites 4 & 5.
FIND thankfully awarded MDC a $500,000 grant for a cost share in sites 1,2,3 and 6. Miami-Dade County is now applying for a $500,000 matching FIND grant for sites 4 & 5, Metro-Rail north and south shores. Therefore the remaining balance of MDC’s $7.5 million “Miami River Greenway” line item in the voter approved bond issue maybe used to design and construct additional County owned site’s needing the public Riverwalk, including but not limited to Robert King High, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST. Director Bibeau reported he met with the district’s County Commissioner’s Barreiro, whom expressed support for continuing to use the County bond funding to construct the public Miami River Greenway in a more continuous fashion from east to west, regardless of property ownership.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, with construction along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge will break ground prior to the application’s November deadline, and connect to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. New Business – On behalf of the MRC, Greenways Chairman Martin thanked all of the MIRA USA & University of Miami volunteers whom planted, painted, picked up litter, pulled weeds and spread recycled mulch along the Miami River Greenway’s north shore, from I-95 to NW 7 Ave during the January 19 & 26 Miami River Greenway beautification volunteer events.
The next monthly volunteer Miami River beautification event is on Saturday, February 23, featuring an expansion of the community free vegetable and fruit garden on the public riverwalk at 1407 NW 7 ST, in addition to litter pickup along the shorelines.
The Greenways subcommittee’s regular monthly public meeting schedule remains the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 2 PM. Therefore the next public meeting is Wednesday, February 13, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
February 13, 2013 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street. The previously distributed January 9, 2013 Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated Mr. Jeovanny Rodriguez, City of Miami, Assistant Director, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Department, provided the following updated summary document entitled, “$7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – March 10, 2013”
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: FY ’11 – ’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one-year extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) LAP EXECUTED 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on April 30, 2012
3) Executed construction contracts (City Commission approved on September
4) Issued construction Notice to Proceed
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated December 16, 2013 –
August 31, 2013)
6) City will provide plans to MRC 7) If project not completed by June 30, City would need to request time
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City requests for 2 one year extensions to June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Addendum #4 issued making minor revision to design to incorporate existing riverfront public pocket parks owned by AT&T (NW 1 ST) via JOC in June 2013 – City will try to address NW 2 ST existing riverfront pocket park (owned by WASD) by including a bench and trash can on the City owned right of way facing the waterfront, but maybe difficult as located on a curve in the road
2) Issued construction Notice to Proceed late July 2011
3) Estimated construction period August 20, 2011 – May 15, 2013
4) FPL work needed and Transflorida needs to return and finish
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under construction
Needed Action Items:
1) FDOT executed LAP 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on June 11, 2012
3) Executed construction contract (City Commission approved September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated January 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) If not 100% complete by June 30, 2013, City would need to request a time extension from FDOT in June 2013
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Advertised for construction bids (July 2011)
2) executed construction contract October 15, 2011
3) Issued construction Notice to Proceed (estimated February 17, 2012)
4) Field Change / updated plans to move trees on eastern end to not obstruct planned public walkway parallel to bridge connecting to public riverwalk at planned Big Fish restaurant
5) Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated February 17, 2012 – May 15, 2013)
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status: Under construction -10 month construction period (2/11 – 12/11) 8th extended 100% complete date February 1, 2012
Needed Action Items:
1) FINISH (install informational kiosks, restore Greenfield Garden, remove old wood light poles by FPL, drainage at NW 12 Ave Bridge on FDOT ROW?, harmonization, sidewalk 6.5’ vs 7’ feet wide? etc.)
2) City issued liquidation damages ($500 per calendar day) on contractor for exceeding extended contractual substantial completion date?
3) Completion Committee formulated with representatives from City CIP, contractor, residents, and MRC – Last Meeting 6/14/12, Greenfield Garden, 6 PM
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, $140,000 in design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Commenced design – estimated design completion February 2013
Construction Status: Need to design before construction; FDOT Executed LAP agreement (City Commission approved)
Needed Action Items:
1) City will provide MRC 90% complete plans– City submitted plans to FDOT for LAP in March 2013 – Estimated LAP execution July 13, 2013
) Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 at the latest (last 2 LAP agreements between City and FDOT took 8 months for approval - would be October 2013, plus 3 months for City to then advertise for bids and contract, plus NTP, takes timeline into 2014 and if construction period is 10 months again this project would exceed grant invoice and reimburse entire project deadline of June 30, 2014 – Therefore need to start expediting this project to meet grant deadline of completion by June 30, 2014)
3) Swire Properties, Citi Center, will fund and construct one block of the south side of SE 5 ST on road Miami River Greenway, from South Miami Ave Bridge to Metro-Mover
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)-City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Applied FIND grant in April 2013
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items:
1- ACOE requested design modification, City submitted redesigned dock to ACOE in March
2- Transition into MDC’s adjacent designed riverwalk
3- Advertise for Construction Bids (estimated June 2013)
4- City Commission (estimated September 2013)
5- Execute Construction Contracts (estimated October 2013)
6- Issue NTP (estimated November 2013)
7- Construction (estimated November 1, 2013– June 15, 2014)
8- City will request time extension in June 2013
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Need to contract engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (noFederal funds)
3) Construction estimated June-September 2013
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction commenced prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, previously provided the following update: Miami Dade County has contracted the construction of the following 100% designed and funded sections of the public Riverwalk, on County owned riverfront sites:
Site 1 (South Shore 2nd Avenue) The gravity wall and seawall are completed. The colored concrete sidewalk, lighting, irrigation system are in progress. The site is 60% completed.
Site 2 (South Shore Metro-Mover) NTP issued but construction yet to start because working on access agreement from neighboring site.
Site 3 (North Shore South Miami Avenue Bridge) The pavers’ sub-grade, sub-base and base, the colored concrete sidewalk and the lighting are in progress. The drainage system is completed. The paint and the pavers placement are pending to start. The completion is 50%.
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores) FDEP issuing permits – Per BCC request, MDC PW obtaining adjacent small parcel dedications
Site 6 (North Shore Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department) The gravity wall and the drainage system are completed. The sheet piling installation is in progress. The installation of lighting, irrigation system, seawall reinforcement and colored concrete sidewalk have not started. The construction is 20% completed.
Ms. Moorey stated the construction starting date (sites 1,2,3 & 6) was January 14, 2013 and the ending date is November 10, 2013 (300 calendar days). The overall completion is 30%.
Ms. Moorey indicated FIND thankfully awarded MDC a $500,000 grant for a cost share in sites 1,2,3 and 6. In April 2013 Miami-Dade County applied for a $500,000 matching FIND grant for sites 4 & 5, Metro-Rail north and south shores.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) -This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County
III. New Business – On behalf of the MRC, Greenways Chairman Martin thanked all of the MIRA USA & University of Miami volunteers whom planted, painted, picked up litter, pulled weeds and spread recycled mulch along the Miami River Greenway’s north shore, from I-95 to NW 7 Ave during the March 23 Miami River Greenway beautification volunteer event.
The next monthly volunteer Miami River beautification event is on Saturday, April 20, featuring planting 220 plants, painting an artistic mural, and removing litter along the public Miami River Greenway’s South shore from Jose Marti Park to 1407 NW 7 ST, in addition to litter pickup along the shorelines.
The Greenways subcommittee’s regular monthly public meeting schedule remains the 2nd
Wednesday of every month, 2 PM. Therefore the next public meeting is Wednesday, May 8, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street, attended By Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County, Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director and Ernie Martin, MRC Greenways subcommittee Chairman. The previously distributed February 13, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated he repeatedly emailed and called Mr. Jeovanny Rodriguez, City of Miami, Assistant Director, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Department, for an update on the following most recent summary document entitled, “$7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – March 10, 2013”
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: FY ’11 – ’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one-year extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) LAP EXECUTED 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on April 30, 2012
3) Executed construction contracts (City Commission approved on September
4) Issued construction Notice to Proceed
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated December 16, 2013 –
August 31, 2013)
6) City will provide plans to MRC
7) If project not completed by June 30, City would need to request time
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City requests for 2 one year extensions to June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Addendum #4 issued making minor revision to design to incorporate existing riverfront public pocket parks owned by AT&T (NW 1 ST) via JOC in June 2013 – City will try to address NW 2 ST existing riverfront pocket park (owned by WASD) by including a bench and trash can on the City owned right of way facing the waterfront, but maybe difficult as located on a curve in the road
2) Issued construction Notice to Proceed late July 2011
3) Estimated construction period August 20, 2011 – May 15, 2013
4) FPL work needed and Transflorida needs to return and finish
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under construction
Needed Action Items:
1) FDOT executed LAP 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on June 11, 2012
3) Executed construction contract (City Commission approved September 13)
4) Issue construction Notice to Proceed
5) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated January 16, 2013 – August 31, 2013)
6) If not 100% complete by June 30, 2013, City would need to request a time extension from FDOT in June 2013
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Advertised for construction bids (July 2011)
2) Executed construction contract October 15, 2011
3) Issued construction Notice to Proceed (estimated February 17, 2012)
4) Field Change / updated plans to move trees on eastern end to not obstruct planned public walkway parallel to bridge connecting to public riverwalk at planned Big Fish restaurant
5) Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated February 17, 2012 – May 15, 2013)
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status: Under construction -10 month construction period (2/11 – 12/11) 9th extended 100% complete date May 15, 2013
Needed Action Items:
1) FINISH (install informational kiosks, restore Greenfield Garden, remove old wood light poles by FPL, drainage at NW 12 Ave Bridge on FDOT ROW?, harmonization, sidewalk 6.5’ vs 7’ feet wide? etc.)
2) City issued liquidation damages ($500 per calendar day) on contractor for exceeding extended contractual substantial completion date?
3) Completion Committee formulated with representatives from City CIP, contractor, residents, and MRC – Last Meeting 6/14/12, Greenfield Garden, 6 PM
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, $140,000 in design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Commenced design – estimated design completion February 2013
Construction Status: Need to design before construction; FDOT Executed LAP agreement (City Commission approved)
Needed Action Items:
1) City will provide MRC 90% complete plans– City submitted plans to FDOT for LAP in March 2013 – Estimated LAP execution July 13, 2013
) Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 at the latest (last 2 LAP agreements between City and FDOT took 8 months for approval - would be October 2013, plus 3 months for City to then advertise for bids and contract, plus NTP, takes timeline into 2014 and if construction period is 10 months again this project would exceed grant invoice and reimburse entire project deadline of June 30, 2014 – Therefore need to start expediting this project to meet grant deadline of completion by June 30, 2014)
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)-City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Applied FIND grant in April 2013
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items:
1- ACOE requested design modification, City submitted redesigned dock to ACOE in March
2- Transition into MDC’s adjacent designed riverwalk
3- Advertise for Construction Bids (estimated June 2013)
4- City Commission (estimated September 2013)
5- Execute Construction Contracts (estimated October 2013)
6- Issue NTP (estimated November 2013)
7- Construction (estimated November 1, 2013– June 15, 2014)
8- City will request time extension in June 2013
8) Job Order Contract “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Need to contract engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (noFederal funds)
3) Construction estimated June-September 2013
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction commenced prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, provided the following update: Miami Dade County has contracted the construction of the following 100% designed and funded sections of the public Riverwalk, on County owned riverfront sites:
Site 1 (South Shore 2nd Avenue) The gravity wall and seawall are completed. The colored concrete sidewalk, lighting, irrigation system are in progress. The site is 60% completed.
Site 2 (South Shore Metro-Mover) NTP issued but construction yet to start because working on access agreement from neighboring site.
Site 3 (North Shore South Miami Avenue Bridge) The pavers’ sub-grade, sub-base and base, the colored concrete sidewalk and the lighting are in progress. The drainage system is completed. The paint and the pavers placement are pending to start. The completion is 50%.
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores) FDEP issuing permits – Per BCC request, MDC PW obtaining adjacent small parcel dedications – currently updating title searches, which is estimated to be complete by May 20, followed by acceptance by the BCC.
Site 6 (North Shore Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department) The gravity wall and the drainage system are completed. The sheet piling installation is in progress. The installation of lighting, irrigation system, seawall reinforcement and colored concrete sidewalk have not started. The construction is 20% completed.
Ms. Moorey stated the construction starting date (sites 1,2,3 & 6) was January 14, 2013 and the ending date is November 10, 2013 (300 calendar days). The overall completion is 30%.
Ms. Moorey indicated FIND thankfully awarded MDC a $500,000 grant for a cost share in sites 1,2,3 and 6. In April 2013 Miami-Dade County applied for a $500,000 matching FIND grant for sites 4 & 5, Metro-Rail north and south shores.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836, which will be presented to FDOT on May 30. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County
III. New Business - On behalf of the MRC, Greenways Chairman Martin thanked all of the MIRA USA & University of Miami volunteers whom planted, painted, picked up litter, pulled weeds and spread recycled mulch along the Miami River Greenway’s north shore, from I-95 to NW 7 Ave during the March 23 Miami River Greenway beautification volunteer event.
The next monthly volunteer Miami River beautification event is on Saturday, April 20, featuring planting 220 plants, painting an artistic mural, and removing litter along the public Miami River Greenway’s South shore from Jose Marti Park to 1407 NW 7 ST, in addition to litter pickup along the shorelines.
MRC Greenway’s subcommittee Chairman Ernie Martin asked MRC Director Bibeau to join riverfront Spring Garden residents at the following scheduled meetings seeking funding for the reconstruction of the City’s historic Seybold House to serve as historic museum, park headquarters, and neighborhood club house, located in the City’s Spring Garden Point Park:
1) May 13, 2 PM, district City Commissioner Spence Jones, 4800 NW 12 Ave
2) May 20, 11:30, district County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro, 1450 SW 1 ST
Dr. Martin stated he would like the MRC to create new exhibits (power point) showing aerial photos of the various City and County sections of the public riverwalk under construction or about to break ground.
The Greenways subcommittee’s regular monthly public meeting schedule remains the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 2 PM. Therefore the next public meeting is Wednesday, June 12, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street, attended By Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County, Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director and Ernie Martin, MRC Greenways subcommittee Chairman. The previously distributed April 10, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates
Mr. Jose Caldeira, Marcel Douge, City of Miami Capital Improvement Projects, and architect Armando Rizo, presented a PowerPoint and printed copies of 30% complete (schematic) plans for the following new project, B-30886, “Lummus Landing Square Park Pavilion Complex”, which will be included for the first time in all future monthly updates. The plan includes a 1,453 square foot “Pavilion A” and a 1,721 square foot “Pavilion B”, featuring “concession, assembly, toilets” etc. When closed, the pavilions have transparent folding iron gates. Under 20% of the Lummus Landing (250 NW North River Drive) greenspace is proposed for this public park amenity, which features “Bahamian Vernacular” design elements. The “concession” area will not be equipped, which will be the responsibility of the potential to be determined concession operator. The proposed new project is directly adjacent to the 100% designed and funded public dock, riverwalk, decorative lights, landscaping etc. under a separate City project, B-30643, contained in previous monthly updates.
Mr. Mario Hernandez stated he and a private investor presented a PowerPoint of their plans for a similar “Fisherman’s Wharf” concept in Lummus Landing, which they previously provided the City of Miami, which would be privately funded in this potential private-public partnership. Mr Hernandez stated if the site’s business plan is to be open 7 days per week, he recommended the pavilions be 500 square feet larger, because the current size is not sufficient for a viable business model, unless the operational plan is only occasional special events, etc.
MRC Director Bibeau noted across the street (NW 7 ST) from the public Riverwalk’s south shore, the public sector constructed a row of unequipped restaurant and retail spaces on the first floor of the Miami Marlins Ballpark’s Parking Garage, before operators were secured. After constructing the spaces, the government hired a firm to market and lease the vacant spaces. Two baseball seasons later, all of the spaces remain vacant, and no operator leases have been executed.
Greenways Chairman Martin found both the City of Miami and Mr Hernandez’s schematic plans for the long awaited “Fisherman’s Wharf” in Lummus Landing (contained in City’s Comprehensive Plan, etc) consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, and recommended the City of Miami also consider public-private partnerships where the private sector operator would pay for the construction, in addition to keeping the development a City funded project, as presented by the City.
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated Mr Eric Rush, Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Department, provided the following update in the following most recent summary document entitled, “$7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – June 10, 2013”
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: FY ’11 – ’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one-year extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) LAP EXECUTED 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on April 30, 2012
3) Executed construction contracts (City Commission approved on September
4) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated Dec 16, 2013 – Aug 31, 2013)
5) City will provide plans to MRC
6) FPL scheduled to install new decorative lights on June 21
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City requests for 2 one year extensions to June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Under Construction
Needed Action Items:
1) Addendum #4 issued making minor revision to design to incorporate existing riverfront public pocket parks owned by AT&T (NW 1 ST) via JOC in June 2013 – City will try to address NW 2 ST existing riverfront pocket park (owned by WASD) by including a bench and trash can on the City owned right of way facing the waterfront, but maybe difficult as located on a curve in the road
2) Issued construction Notice to Proceed late July 2011
3) Estimated construction period August 20, 2011 – May 15, 2013
4) FPL work completed – City charging contractor late fees
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Under construction
Needed Action Items:
1) FDOT executed LAP 2/28/12
2) Advertised for construction bids on June 11, 2012
3) Executed construction contract (City Commission approved September 13)
4) Estimated 7.5 month construction period (estimated Jan 16, 2013 – Aug 31, 2013)
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 (FDOT granted City one year time extension, June 30, 2013)
Design Status: 100% complete
Construction Status: Construction almost complete
Needed Action Items:
1) Advertised for construction bids (July 2011)
2) Executed construction contract October 15, 2011
3) Field Change / updated plans to move trees on eastern end to not obstruct planned public walkway parallel to bridge connecting to public riverwalk at planned Big Fish restaurant
4) Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated February 17, 2012 – May 15, 2013)
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status: Under construction -10 month construction period (2/11 – 12/11) 10th extended 100% complete date August 1, 2013
Needed Action Items:
1) FINISH (install informational kiosks, restore Greenfield Garden, remove old wood light poles by FPL etc.)
2) City issued liquidation damages ($500 per calendar day) on contractor for exceeding extended contractual substantial completion date?
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, $140,000 in design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Commenced design – estimated design completion February 2013
Construction Status: Need to design before construction; FDOT Executed LAP agreement (City Commission approved)
Needed Action Items:
1) City will provide MRC 90% complete plans– City submitted plans to FDOT for LAP in March 2013 – Estimated LAP execution July 13, 2013
) Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 at the latest (last 2 LAP agreements between City and FDOT took 8 months for approval - would be October 2013, plus 3 months for City to then advertise for bids and contract, plus NTP, takes timeline into 2014 and if construction period is 10 months again this project would exceed grant invoice and reimburse entire project deadline of June 30, 2014 – Therefore need to start expediting this project to meet grant deadline of completion by June 30, 2014)
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)-City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Applied FIND grant in April 2013
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items:
1- ACOE requested design modification, City submitted redesigned dock to ACOE in March
2- Transition into MDC’s adjacent designed riverwalk
3- Advertise for Construction Bids (estimated June 2013)
4- City Commission (estimated September 2013)
5- Execute Construction Contracts (estimated October 2013)
6- Issue NTP (estimated November 2013)
7- Construction (estimated November 1, 2013– June 15, 2014)
8- City will request time extension in June 2013
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Need to contract engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) Execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (noFederal funds)
3) Construction estimated June-September 2013
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction commenced prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates –Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, provided the following update: Miami Dade County has contracted the construction of the following 100% designed and funded sections of the public Riverwalk, on County owned riverfront sites:
Total Project Amount: $1,241,347.10
Date Started: January 14, 2013
Proposed End Date: November 10, 2013
Contract Time: 300 calendar days
Overall % Completion: 55%
Sites Under Construction: #1 , #3 , and #6
Site Pending Start of Construction: #2
Site #1 (South Shore 2nd Avenue):
- Gravity Wall and Sea Wall completed.
- Color concrete sidewalk completed.
- Irrigation System and Lighting System are in progress.
- Overall Site Completion: 80%
Site #3 (North Shore South Miami Avenue Bridge):
- Sub grade, sub base and base for Pavers are completed.
- Drainage System is completed.
- Color concrete sidewalk is completed.
- Lighting System is in progress.
- Painting and installation of pavers are in progress. This is about 80% complete.
- Overall Site Completion: 70%
Site #6: (North Shore Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department)
- Gravity Wall and Drainage System are completed.
- Sheet Piling is completed.
- Sea Wall reinforcement is completed.
- Lighting System and Irrigation System are in progress. This is about 60% complete.
- Color concrete sidewalk is in progress. This is about 70% complete.
- Overall Site Completion: 65%
Site #2 (South Shore Metro-Mover)
NTP issued but construction yet to start because working on access agreement from neighboring site.
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores)
Fully permitted – Per BCC request, MDC PW obtaining following adjacent small parcel dedications:
- SW side of Metro Rail (Neo Vertika) – Mr Frank Fernandez, MDC PW, indicated within estimated one month County will provide the Neo Vertika condo association attorney with the paperwork for execution, and doesn’t need to be approved again by the Board of County Commissioners.
- NW side of Metro-Rail - This week Mr Fernandez, MDC PW, will transmit paperwork for execution to owner, Mr Ardid, whom previously agreed to donate the area to the County for the public riverwalk.
- NE side of MetroRail – Mr Fernandez still determining if the controlling entity to sign the paperwork is the owner, Mr. Ardid, Condo Association, or master association
Ms. Moorey indicated FIND thankfully awarded MDC a $500,000 grant for a cost share in sites 1,2,3 and 6. In April 2013 Miami-Dade County applied for a $500,000 matching FIND grant for sites 4 & 5, Metro-Rail north and south shores.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836, which will be presented to FDOT on May 30. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. New Business – On behalf of the MRC, Greenways Chairman Martin thanked all of the MIRA USA & Miami Kayak Club volunteers whom picked up litter and removed invasive species in Sewell Park during the MRC’s May 11 Miami River Greenway beautification volunteer event.
Director Bibeau distributed the updated “Recent Miami River Residential Development Projects” and “Miami River District Restaurant List”. Along the public Miami River Greenway, since 2000, 7,082 residential units have been completed and 449 additional units are currently under construction. The Miami River Greenway route currently has 18 operating restaurants and 2 restaurants currently under construction.
Dr. Martin and Director Bibeau reviewed and revised the new draft exhibit (power point) showing aerial photos of the various City and County sections of the public riverwalk under construction or about to break ground. The revised exhibit will be presented under the Greenways subcommittee report during the MRC’s next public meeting, July 1, 2013, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The Greenways subcommittee’s regular monthly public meeting schedule remains the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 2 PM. Therefore the next public meeting is Wednesday, July 10, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street. The attendance sheet is enclosed. The previously distributed May 8, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Attendees reviewed aerial exhibits and provided following construction updates on the City of Miami’s following public Riverwalk projects:
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, way-finding signs, informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs final asphalt, benches, way-finding signs, informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, correct way-finding signs, correct informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches aligned and secured, sidewalk colored mesa beige, removal of old utility poles, etc
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs install informational kiosks, remove old wood light poles by FPL, etc.
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Status: Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 – need to submit to FDOT for LAP
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)-City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Applied FIND grant in April 2013 – although scored high enough for funding grant was lost due to not having ACOE permit by 9/25/13 deadline.
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items: secure permits, hire contractor, construct
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: Under design
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (noFederal funds)– although scored high enough for funding lost FIND grant due to lack of permits by 9/25/13 deadline
3) Secure Permits
4) Reapply FIND grant in April 2014
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction commenced prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, emailed the following update in advance of the meeting:
6-15-2013 to 9-1-13
Total Project Amount: $1,241,347.10
Date Started: January 14, 2013
Proposed End Date: November 10, 2013
Contract Time: 300 calendar days
Overall % Completion: 89%
Sites under Construction: #1, #2, #3 and #6
Site #1:
- Gravity wall and Seawall completed.
- Color concrete sidewalk completed.
- Benches, trash receptacles, dog station, bike racks, signs completed
- Irrigation System and Lighting System are in progress.
- Overall Site Completion: 88%
Site # 2:
- Sheet Piling is completed.
- Seawall is completed.
- Color concrete sidewalk is completed.
- Benches, Dog station, Bike racks, Trash Receptacle and signs are completed.
- Lighting System is in progress.
- Irrigation System is in progress.
- Overall Site Completion: 85%
Site #3:
- Pavers are completed.
- Drainage System is completed.
- Color concrete sidewalk is completed.
- Benches, dog station, bike racks and signs completed
- Painting completed.
- Lighting System is in progress.
- Overall Site Completion: 92%
Site #6:
- Gravity wall and Drainage System are completed.
- Sheet Piling is completed.
- Seawall reinforcement is completed.
- Benches, trash receptacle, dog station, bike racks and signs completed.
- Lighting System (85%) and Irrigation System (90%)are in progress.
- Color concrete sidewalk is in progress. This is about 95% complete.
- Overall Site Completion: 91%
None Reported
89 %
Project photos will be submitted to document the work progress accomplished.”
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores)
Per BCC request, MDC PW obtained following needed adjacent small riverfront parcel dedications (with assistance from the MRC):
- SW side of Metro Rail (Neo Vertika)
- NW side of Metro-Rail
- NE side of MetroRail
FIND awarded $500,000 matching grant, with secured ACOE and FDEP permits. Now with executed dedications, will obtain final local permits (MDC and City).
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted an improved version of last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836, which will be presented to FDOT on May 30. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the “explanations” noted in last year’s funding denial have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. New Business – The Greenways subcommittee will present an updated aerial powerpoint during the MRC’s November public meeting.
The Greenways subcommittee’s next monthly public meeting schedule is October 16, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.

September 9, 2013 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, September 9, 2013, 2:30 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street. The attendance sheet is enclosed. The previously distributed June 12, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted..
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates – Attendees reviewed aerial exhibits and provided following construction updates on the City of Miami’s following public Riverwalk projects:
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, way-finding signs, informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs final asphalt, benches, way-finding signs, informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, correct way-finding signs, correct informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches aligned and secured, sidewalk colored mesa beige, removal of old utility poles, etc
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs install informational kiosks, remove old wood light poles by FPL, etc.
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Status: Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 – need to submit to FDOT for LAP – need MDT approval beneath Metro-Mover
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park) - City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Awarded 50/50 matching FIND grant in September 2013
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items: request modification to ACOE permit, sec, hire contractor, construct
8) “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: City awaiting receipt of pledged MDC GOB funds
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (noFederal funds)– although scored high enough for funding lost FIND grant due to lack of permits by 9/25/13 deadline
3) Secure Permits
4) Reapply FIND grant in April 2014
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, and construction commenced prior to the application’s November deadline. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved.
The Greenways subcommittee thanked the City of Miami and TEP grant program.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates – Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, emailed the following update:
Project ? 20120029
Date; October 18, 2013
Contractor: ACRE Engineering and Construction, Inc.
SITE # 1:
1- Fix or replace wall light with water inside (Eastern light).
2- Restore pavers in front of single sign (East).
3- Tie bike hitches to rigid them.
4- Restore pavers at the posts of the new fences and gates.
5- Level the pavers at the edge of grassy area in front of the river.
6- Provide the labels for the light poles.
7- Install pending sign (double panel).
8- Install in ground light for double panel sign.
9- Correct the drip hose close to BFP.
SITE # 2:
1- Paint the sea wall with class 5 paint.
2- Install in ground light pending. Restore the colored concrete removed for such installation.
3- Complete the sodding.
4- Perform directional bore for power (authorization is pending).
5- Perform directional bore for water (authorization is pending).
6- Furnish and install transformer for lighting power (approval is pending).
7- Delivery paver surplus to Road and Bridge.
SITE # 3:
1- Seal the grate inside the drainage structure S-2.
2- Replace pavers damaged.
3- Install Trash Receptacle.
4- Finish the floor around the in ground light and electrical box in front of sign located on pavers.
5- Relocate the single sign at the East entry of the park.
6- Install the in ground light for the sign to be relocated.
7- Tie the bike hitch that is loose.
SITE # 6:
1- Install hand rail pending.
2- Remove filter fabric from structure S-5.
3- Move power pole (FPL).
4- Complete colored concrete sidewall at South entry (after that the power pole is moved).
5- Fill and sod area between colored concrete side walk (South) and new gravity wall.
6- Install bolts missing at the installed hand rail (South).
7- Set caulking at joint between new colored side walk and existing gravity walk (South).
8- Replace the middle arm of the two benches that were vandalized.
9- Fit or retouch the paint damaged on double faced sign.
GENERAL (For all 4 sites):
1- Clean out the sites. Pick up the construction debris.
2- Delivery to Public Work Construction Division the keys to open the dog stations and trash receptacles.
3- Provide the Back Flow Preventer certification for the irrigation systems.
4- Adjust irrigation boxes to ground level.
5- Clean all metallic surfaces of signs, poles, benches, etcetera.
6- Fasten the bollard properly.
7- Remove protecting covers from signs.
8- Provide power connection for lighting (coordinate with FPL).
9- Provide water connection for irrigation systems (coordinate with WASD).
10- Correct verticality of all up lights.
11- Level the in ground lights (¾” above the ground according to the manufacturer).
12- Close the City of Miami open permits. (Schedule the inspections when the specific work is finished)
NOTE: This is only a preliminary punch list in order to complete the missing work. Some item could be incorporated as result of the City of Miami inspections, damages occurred during the performance of the missing works or omissions in this list.
Jose Gutierrez,
Field Inspector.
Public Work and Waste Management Department.”
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores)
Per BCC request, MDC PW obtained following needed adjacent small riverfront parcel dedications (with assistance from the MRC):
- NW side of Metro-Rail
- NE side of MetroRail
SW side of Metro Rail (Neo Vertika) – Condo Association Attorney opinion that transfer of ownership would require 75% of unit owners and 75% of respective bank mortgages to sign as well, making it essentially not feasible. Therefore Neo Vertika’s Condo Association executed and provided County a Perpetual Easement, which remains under consideration by the County. FIND has informed the County they may use FIND’s portion of the awarded 50/50 matching grant on the subject portion of the public riverwalk project. The Board of County Commissioner’s previously adopted a resolution (2011) directing the Mayor’s office to negotiate use of the subject land for this intended purpose.
FIND awarded $500,000 matching grant for sites 4 & 5, with secured ACOE and FDEP permits.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836. The MPO ranked the original application #4, scoring only 5 points less than #1. FDOT’s new scoring system places half of the potential points (100 of 200) on a 15 minute oral presentation with questions and answers, but FDOT did not invite the County to re-present their application, depriving them of any opportunity to score half of the “potential” points. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the denial “explanations” noted in the FDOT letter have been resolved.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. New Business – The Greenways subcommittee will present an updated aerial powerpoint during the MRC’s November public meeting.
During the October 7, 2013 public meeting, the Miami River Commission (MRC) unanimously adopted the following 2 resolutions, consistent with the unanimous resolutions approved during the MPO BPAC’s September 24, 2013 public meeting:
1) Supporting the MPO’s previously adopted attached “2012 Transportation Enhancements Program Ranking”, (attachment 2) which is vastly inconsistent with FDOT’s related July 31, 2013 letter, “Subject: 2012 Transportation Enhancement Cycle – Project Selection” (attachment 3)
2) Recommending the scores for the applications which executed the option for re-evaluation in the 2013 cycle be inserted in the MPO’s draft “2013 Transportation Alternative Program”
Until now, over the past 14 years FDOT has consistently accepted the MPO’s rankings, which are created with input from various MPO citizen subcommittee’s and MPO’s professional staff. FDOT recently started a separate ranking process and criteria for the same applications in the same program, and FDOT’s inexperience has led to numerous glaring flaws in their new ranking system. Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends when folding the “approved” projects into FY 18-19 of the 5 year work plan, as in years past the MPO should include the MPO’s top ranked 2012 TEP applications, including but not limited to the City of Miami’s Health District Riverwalk Phase II (#3) and the County’s Public riverwalk at “Robert King High” (#4). Director Bibeau stated since the MRC’s resolutions, he has met with and continues to communicate with the Offices of MPO members Honorable County Commissioner Barreiro and Honorable City Commissioner Suarez, both of whom are understanding and supportive of the MRC and MPO BPAC’s recommendations.
The next public MRC Greenways subcommittee meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.
October 22, 2013 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 11:00 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street. Participants included Lana Moorey, Miami Dade County Public Works, Brett Bibeau, Managing Director and Dr Ernie Martin, Chair of the MRC’s Greenways Subcommittee. Dates were made consistent in the previously distributed draft September 18, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes, and the revised minutes were accepted.
I. City of Miami Riverwalk Construction Updates –Attendees reviewed updated aerial exhibits and a November 8, 2013 letter from the City of Miami to FDOT providing update on completion of previously awarded LAP, TEP, TAP grant funds to construct some of the following sections of the public Miami River Greenway:
1) B-30651
Geographic Area: South River Drive / NW 7 ST from 10-12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion –“Punch list was prepared and provided to the contractor on October 11.”
2) B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, way-finding signs, informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, replace destroyed one new decorative pole and palm tree which were hit by a vehicle after installation, etc
3) B-30336
Geographic Area: A) South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 10 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches, correct way-finding signs, correct informational kiosks, removal of old utility poles, etc
4) B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Status: Nearing completion – needs benches aligned and secured, sidewalk colored mesa beige, removal of old utility poles, etc
5) B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Status: Nearing completion – needs install informational kiosks, remove old wood light poles by FPL, etc.
6) B-30631
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Status: Hired Engineer to make construction documents – design commenced Feb. 2012 - complete Feb. 2013 – City submitted LAP to FDOT but still needs to submit executed easements from MDT and south shore just east of South Miami Ave Bridge.
7) B-30643
Geographic Area:
A. North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue (FPL DESIGN INVOICE NEEDED)
B. Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park) - City issued Purchase Order for Milian, Swain and Associates to update their previous design for this site; survey phase completed in March, and estimated design completed by Fall 2012. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing, including the placement of boat slips, riverwalk, and decorative lighting. City provided additional $1,076,000 saved from another Miami River Greenway project, to finish the riverwalk in Lummus Landing, $661,007 of which was approved on City Commission’s January 27 agenda item RE. 3, and $414,993 approved at 2/24/11 City Commission meeting. (no Federal funding)
C. Awarded 50/50 matching FIND grant in September 2013
Design Status: 100% complete
Needed Action Items: request modification to ACOE permit, sec, hire contractor, construct
8) Job Order Contract “JOC” with no Federal funds
Geographic Area: NW North River Drive, from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST
Design Status: 90% complete
Needed Action Items:
1) First Complete B-30643 (Lummus Landing, #7)
2) FPL
3) Advertise for Construction Bids
4) City Commission
5) Execute Construction Contracts
6) Issue NTP
7) Construction
9) Health District Riverwalk / 82-70587 ($961,000 in City funds, FY ’12 – ‘13 $200,000 for design, followed by FY ’13 – ’14 $761,000 for construction)
Geographic Area: North shore, NW 12 Ave to Mahi Shrine
Design Status: City awaiting receipt of pledged MDC GOB funds
Needed Action Items:
1) Contract engineer – Design estimated March 1 – July 1 , 2013
2) Apply for permits
3) Execute paperwork with property owners Miami-Dade County and MDX
10) Improve Curtis Park Boat Ramp
Design Status: City contracted engineer
Needed Action Items:
1) Obtain Permits
2) March 2013, City applied for a FIND 50% cost share grant (no Federal funds)– although scored high enough for funding lost FIND grant due to lack of permits by 9/25/13 deadline
3) Secure Permits
4) Reapply FIND grant in April 2014
The City of Miami submitted a pending “Health District Riverwalk Phase II” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the north shore from NW 17 Ave to just west of I-836. The MPO ranked the original application #3, scoring only 4 points less than #1. FDOT’s new scoring system places half of the potential points (100 of 200) on a 15 minute oral presentation with questions and answers, but FDOT did not invite the City to re-present their application, depriving them of any opportunity to score half of the “potential” points. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “The District has included the below comments for the enhancement projects that were proposed but not selected in order to increase the likelihood of successful resubmittal in future enhancement cycles. The ‘Health District Riverwalk’ was not recommended for funding due to several Miami River Greenway projects that have prior year commitments which have not been spent or advanced. ” Thankfully 2 of the Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City on September 13, construction commenced prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline, and are now substantially complete. Therefore that written “comment” in last year’s funding denial has been resolved.
The MRC and MPO BPAC both passed unanimous resolutions recommending as in previous years the MPO use their own 2012 TEP rankings to determine which applications are awarded grant funding, which is vastly inconsistent with FDOT’s related July 31, 2013 letter, “Subject: 2012 Transportation Enhancement Cycle – Project Selection. Until now, over the past 14 years FDOT has consistently accepted the MPO’s rankings, which are created with input from various MPO citizen subcommittee’s and MPO’s professional staff. FDOT recently started a separate ranking process and criteria for the same applications in the same program, and FDOT’s inexperience has led to numerous glaring flaws in their new ranking system. Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends when folding the “approved” projects into FY 18-19 of the 5 year work plan, as in years past the MPO should include the MPO’s top ranked 2012 TEP applications, including but not limited to the City of Miami’s Health District Riverwalk Phase II (#3) and the County’s Public riverwalk at “Robert King High” (#4). Director Bibeau stated since the MRC’s resolutions, he has met with and continues to communicate with the Offices of MPO members Honorable County Commissioner Barreiro and Honorable City Commissioner Suarez, both of whom are understanding and supportive of the MRC and MPO BPAC’s recommendations.
II. Miami-Dade County Riverwalk Construction Updates –Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, provided the following update:
Construction of County’s Miami River Greenway sites 1,2,3 and 6 are now estimated to be 100% complete by December 17, 2013.
Site 4 & 5 (Metro-Rail North and South Shores)
Per BCC request, MDC PW obtained following needed adjacent small riverfront parcel dedications (with assistance from the MRC):
- NW side of Metro-Rail
- NE side of MetroRail
SW side of Metro Rail (Neo Vertika) – Condo Association Attorney opinion that transfer of ownership would require 75% of unit owners and 75% of respective bank mortgages to sign as well, making it essentially not feasible. Therefore Neo Vertika’s Condo Association executed and provided County a Perpetual Easement, which remains under consideration by the County. FIND has informed the County they may use FIND’s portion of the awarded 50/50 matching grant on the subject portion of the public riverwalk project. The Board of County Commissioner’s previously adopted a resolution (2011) directing the Mayor’s office to negotiate use of the subject land for this intended purpose. If needed, Commissioner Barreiro has offered to sponsor an amendment to the Board of County Commissioner’s previously approved item, in order to accept the perpetual easement. County Public Works has accepted his offer, and the item is scheduled to be considered at subcommittee in February 2014, followed by the Board of County Commissioner’s in March 2014.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County resubmitted last year’s “Robert King High Riverwalk” grant application for $1 million in federal funds from the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) to design and construct the public Miami River Greenway on the south shore from NW 12 Ave to just west of I-836. The MPO ranked the original application #4, scoring only 5 points less than #1. FDOT’s new scoring system places half of the potential points (100 of 200) on a 15 minute oral presentation with questions and answers, but FDOT did not invite the County to re-present their application, depriving them of any opportunity to score half of the “potential” points. A February 24, 2012 letter from the FDOT stated, “Miami River Greenway (at Robert King High Towers) - This project was not recommended for funding due to its lack of connectivity with other Greenway projects, as well as the need to obtain permits and possibly an archeological survey.” Thankfully the 2 Miami River Greenway construction contracts were unanimously approved by the City Commission on September 13, 2012, and construction commenced along NW South River Drive from current terminus at NW 5 ST Bridge to the NW 12 Ave Bridge prior to the application’s November 2012 deadline, and is now nearly complete. Therefore the public Miami River Greenway connects to the eastern terminus of the geographic area in the subject application (NW 12 Ave to I-836). In addition, like all sections of the 5 miles of Miami River Greenway constructed to date, if awarded of course the County would obtain permits and an archeological survey as required by law. Therefore the denial “explanations” noted in the FDOT letter have been resolved.
The MRC and MPO BPAC both passed unanimous resolutions recommending as in previous years the MPO use their own 2012 TEP rankings to determine which applications are awarded grant funding, which is vastly inconsistent with FDOT’s related July 31, 2013 letter, “Subject: 2012 Transportation Enhancement Cycle – Project Selection. Until now, over the past 14 years FDOT has consistently accepted the MPO’s rankings, which are created with input from various MPO citizen subcommittee’s and MPO’s professional staff. FDOT recently started a separate ranking process and criteria for the same applications in the same program, and FDOT’s inexperience has led to numerous glaring flaws in their new ranking system.
Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends when folding the “approved” projects into FY 18-19 of the 5 year work plan, as in years past the MPO should include the MPO’s top ranked 2012 TEP applications, including but not limited to the City of Miami’s Health District Riverwalk Phase II (#3) and the County’s Public riverwalk at “Robert King High” (#4). Director Bibeau stated since the MRC’s resolutions, he has met with and continues to communicate with the Offices of MPO members Honorable County Commissioner Barreiro and Honorable City Commissioner Suarez, both of whom are understanding and supportive of the MRC and MPO BPAC’s recommendations.
The next TAP grant cycle is in early 2014. Greenway’s Chairman Martin and Director Bibeau recommended the County apply for the public riverwalk beneath Metro-Rail North and South Shores, because since it is already designed and partially permitted, the application would score very high. If awarded, the TAP grant funding would be matched by the previously awarded FIND grant, allowing the County’s GOB Bond “Miami River Greenway” to be used at other unfunded sections of the public riverwalk, for example Robert King High, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST, etc. Ms. Moorey stated she would discuss it with her supervisors.
The Greenway’s subcommittee thanked Miami-Dade County.
III. New Business – The Greenways subcommittee will present an updated aerial powerpoint during the MRC’s November public meeting.
During the October 7, 2013 public meeting, the Miami River Commission (MRC) unanimously adopted the following 2 resolutions, consistent with the unanimous resolutions approved during the MPO BPAC’s September 24, 2013 public meeting:
1) Supporting the MPO’s previously adopted attached “2012 Transportation Enhancements Program Ranking”, (attachment 2) which is vastly inconsistent with FDOT’s related July 31, 2013 letter, “Subject: 2012 Transportation Enhancement Cycle – Project Selection” (attachment 3)
2) Recommending the scores for the applications which executed the option for re-evaluation in the 2013 cycle be inserted in the MPO’s draft “2013 Transportation Alternative Program”
Until now, over the past 14 years FDOT has consistently accepted the MPO’s rankings, which are created with input from various MPO citizen subcommittee’s and MPO’s professional staff. FDOT recently started a separate ranking process and criteria for the same applications in the same program, and FDOT’s inexperience has led to numerous glaring flaws in their new ranking system. Therefore the MRC respectfully recommends when folding the “approved” projects into FY 18-19 of the 5 year work plan, as in years past the MPO should include the MPO’s top ranked 2012 TEP applications, including but not limited to the City of Miami’s Health District Riverwalk Phase II (#3) and the County’s Public riverwalk at “Robert King High” (#4). Director Bibeau stated since the MRC’s resolutions, he has met with and continues to communicate with the Offices of MPO members Honorable County Commissioner Barreiro and Honorable City Commissioner Suarez, both of whom are understanding and supportive of the MRC and MPO BPAC’s recommendations.
The next public MRC Greenways subcommittee meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting was adjourned.
November 13, 2013 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 11:00 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street. Participants included Lana Moorey, Miami Dade County Public Works, Brett Bibeau, Managing Director and Dr Ernie Martin, Chair of the MRC’s Greenways Subcommittee. The previously distributed draft October 22, 2013 MRC Greenways Subcommittee public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. Review Proposed “Del Rio” Development located within the Spring Garden Historic District at 734 NW North River Drive
Mr. Enrique Lopez, Christina Abregon, and Juan Echeveno, Justen Investments, distributed and presented plans for the proposed 3-story, 8 residential unit “Del Rio” development located at 734 NW North River Drive within the City of Miami’s designated historic District. On December 9, 2013, the project was presented to the City of Miami’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board, which approved the required Certificate of Appropriateness with conditions, including receiving a favorable recommendation for approval from the MRC. The vacant site is zoned T-4, low-density duplex residential, which does not require a public riverwalk. The T-4 zoning requires a 20-foot riverfront building setback, and 26’8” is provided, measured from the new proposed and needed seawall where the current shoreline and uplands are slowing eroding / shoaling into the Miami River. The code requires a 10’ setback from the new on-road Miami River Greenway along City owned NW North River Drive, and 20’ is proposed.
Ms Gioia de Carlo, President of the Spring Garden Civic Association, stated the average building setback from the on-road Miami River Greenway along NW North River Drive in Spring Garden is 40’ and suggested the proposed front setback should be increased. Mr. Lopez replied the code requires 10’, their original proposal was increased to 15’, and now per the condition of City of Miami’s UDRB, they have agreed to increase the front setback to 20’, per the presented plans. Ms. de Carlo objected to the roof top (3rd floor) balconies featuring Jacuzzi’s and landscaping, architect’s “signature” circle adornment, and suggested more parking spaces. Mr. Lopez replied they are providing 15 parking spaces, which is more than the 12 spaces required by the zoning code.
MRC Director Bibeau stated City of Miami Comprehensive Plan states, “Policy PA-3.1.9: The City shall require from new residential development and redevelopment located along the Miami Rivera recorded covenant acknowledging and accepting the presence of the existing Working Waterfront 24-hour operations as permitted.” The “Del Rio” developer team agreed to provide this required covenant.
The Miami River Commission’s Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman, James Murley recommended the MRC find the “Del Rio” development proposal consistent with the adopted Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, as it was approved by the City of Miami’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board, maintains the historic low density of the Spring Garden Neighborhood, and increases the required riverfront setback to 26.8 feet, which is consistent with City Zoning Code Section 3.11 and the City Charter. The MRC Greenways subcommittee Chairman, Dr. Ernie Martin, likewise recommended to the MRC that it find the “Del Rio” development proposal consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, as it doubles the required front building setback to 20 feet from the on-road Miami River Greenway along NW South River Drive, and the City’s zoning code Section 3.11 does not require a public riverwalk on this site, which is zoned low density residential T4.
The item is scheduled to be presented at the full body of the MRC at its next public meeting, January 13, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST, at which time the developer is confirmed to make a presentation to the entire MRC. At that time, the recommendation from both Mr. Murley and Dr. Martin will also be presented and any comment from the general public will also be heard prior to a formal and final vote of the MRC.
II) Review Proposed “Edge” Development and Requested 10 Waivers, 55 S. Miami Ave Rd
Presenting on behalf of the developer was Ms. Lucia Dougherty (Greenberg Traurig), Barbara Perdezoli & Luis Revuelta (Revuelta Architects International), and Rafael Araquez, developer. The developer’s team distributed and presented plans (dated 12/10/13 and different from plans submitted to City dated 11/22/13 in advance of the UDRB meeting) for 55 and 39 S. Miami Ave RD, including the 10 pending waiver requests required for the proposed 55-story, 631 foot tall, 130 unit residential development on a .34 acre site. The Developer Team stated the proposal includes a 13.19 foot wide public Riverwalk and waterfront building setback.
MRC Director Bibeau distributed and attendees reviewed:
- A recent printout from Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser website, and FDOT email, indicating Folio # 01-0200-000-0010, a 3,375 square foot portion of the proposed development site before you today, is reportedly owned by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which indicates that it has not agreed to a development on their property. Following printouts were distributed from Miami-Dade County Appraisers web site, showing 4 connecting parcels, with 4 individual folio numbers, from west to east:
- 55 SW Miami Ave RD (folio 01-0200-000-0020)
- 39 SW Miami Ave RD (folio 01-0200-000-0080)
- “Property address: null” largest of the 4 parcels, “Owner Name: 55 SW Miami Ave RD LLC” (folio 01-0200-000-0070)
- “Property address: null” parcel adjacent to Bridge “Owner: State of FLA D O T” (folio #01-0200-000-0010) The Developers team replied the Miami-Dade County Tax Appraiser website and FDOT email were incorrect, because the developer owns all of the land directly up to the Miami Ave Bridge structure, and provided the signed and sealed professional survey.
- A portion of the proposed development is located on City owned public property. Director Bibeau asked if the proposed development is a private sector waterfront development on public land, would the project require voter approval at referendum (The “Carollo Amendment”)? The developer’s team agreed to remove all elements of the development from the City owned S Miami Ave RD, and contain all elements on their private property.
- A one million dollar federal grant was recently used by the City of Miami to construct improvements on this City owned portion of the subject development footprint. If the project were to be developed on such land, or result in the removal or replacement of these recently constructed improvements, the contract would require the City to refund the Federal Government one million dollars, or construct another equal section of the public on-road Miami River Greenway elsewhere. The proposed plans show the replacement of the new on-road Miami River Greenway’s recently planted trees, landscaping, benches, informational kiosk, 8 foot wide mesa beige sidewalk, etc, and replace it with a narrowed / standard 5-foot wide sidewalk and private parallel vehicle parking for their resident’s cars waiting for the only access to the building’s 9-story parking pedestal, which are 2 vehicle elevators, and a narrowed / standard 5-foot wide sidewalk.
- 6/14/11 City of Miami Zoning Plans Examiner write up for this site as backup to the City Commission’s 2011 approvals of a previous restaurant plan for this site state “Waterfront Setbacks Required 13 feet 6.4 inches, proposed 13 feet 1.8 inches Request to Modify 2.81%”. Similarly the current proposal for the same site has a waterfront building setback and public riverwalk which is of 13.19 feet wide, which are less than the 25% of the property width required by the City Charter and Miami 21, which may only be approved by the City Commission, which is yet to schedule this additional reduction of the waterfront setback and public riverwalk for consideration. The Developer Team stated they felt the City’s previous write up was incorrect, and their proposed 13.19 foot riverfront building setback and public riverwalk are not less than the allowable 25% of the property width, therefore City Commission approval is not required.
- 12/5/13 email from Francisco Garcia, Director City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department, “This project (“Edge”) is not availing itself of any legacy approvals. The subject application stands on its own and will be reviewed and processed for any and all permits needed anew.”
- City of Miami’s 11/25/13 “Waiver Referral” for “Edge, 55 SW Miami Ave RD”, listing 10 pending waivers of the zoning code required to build the proposed development, for example allowing increased building length, reduction of required 10-foot front building setback to 0’ building setback from the new on-road Miami River Greenway along City owned S Miami Ave RD directly in front of the site, reduction of 63 parking spaces (29%) from 219 required parking spaces to 156 proposed parking spaces all accessed by 2 car elevators and 2 parking staging areas setback O’ feet from the public on-road Greenway along City owned S Miami Ave RD and 13.19 feet from the site’s proposed public riverwalk.
- City’s adopted Miami 21 Zoning Code, “Appendix B: Waterfront Design Guidelines” states in part “Public access waterfront walkways shall: 1. Feel Public…Signage should clearly establish the public’s right to use the walkway”, yet the plans are missing any such signage. The developer’s team stated they would add “Public Riverwalk” way-finding signage on the sidewalk at both side-yard connectors and on the public riverwalk, which will all be open to the public 24/7.
- City Charter, Zoning Code 3.11 and Appendix B require “average side yards equal in aggregate to at least 25% of the water frontage of each lot”, “and to allow public access to the waterfront…Waterfront walkways shall connect to abutting public walkways, neighboring walkways and Open Space at a consistent ADA compliant width and grade to allow clear pedestrian circulation along the water’s edge.” Director Bibeau noted the different versions of the proposed plans have different public side-yard pathways connecting to the public riverwalk. The earlier version is only 3.5 feet wide, which violates the code because it is not ADA compliant. The more recent plan’s side-yard pathways / public sidewalks are 7 feet wide, which is ADA compliant, but the east side-yard connector now violates the code with a wall and a door separating the public sidewalk from the public side-yard connector to the public riverwalk. The developer team stated per the code they would remove the wall and door, and the width of the public side-yard sidewalk connector will be ADA compliant.
- Plans include three different cross sections of the public riverwalk dimensions on pages L2.3 and A-502. The survey’s depict the site’s new seawall cap at 3.5 feet side, which is elevated over the remainder of the riverwalk (min. 9.49 feet wide including all landscaping, benches, lighting and unobstructed pathway). All three of the presented public riverwalk cross section’s total width is greater than the proposed 13.19 foot waterfront building setback. The developer team replied they would add an additional public riverwalk cross section for the narrowest portion, 13.19 feet wide.
- City of Miami Comprehensive Plan states, “Policy PA-3.1.9: The City shall require from new residential development and redevelopment located along the Miami Rivera recorded covenant acknowledging and accepting the presence of the existing Working Waterfront 24-hour operations as permitted.” The “Edge” developer team agreed to provide this required covenant.
The Miami River Commission’s Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman, James Murley recommended the MRC find the “Edge” development proposal inconsistent with the adopted Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. The MRC Greenways subcommittee Chairman, Dr. Ernie Martin, likewise recommended to the MRC that it find the “Edge” development proposal inconsistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, Miami 21’s Section 3.11, & Appendix B, and the City Charter.
The item is scheduled to be presented at the full body of the MRC at its next public meeting, January 13, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST, at which time the developer is confirmed to make a presentation to the entire MRC. At that time, the recommendation from both Mr. Murley and Dr. Martin will also be presented and any comment from the general public will also be heard prior to a formal and final vote of the MRC.
Director Bibeau stated the proposal is currently scheduled for one City of Miami public hearing, the Urban Design Review Board (UDRB), 12/18/13, therefore asked if the developer team would consider deferring to the UDRB’s January meeting, in order to make the changes to the plans agreed to in the meeting, submit the updated version, and obtain the full MRC recommendation as scheduled on 1/13/14, prior to presenting to UDRB. The developer team declined.
The meeting adjourned.

December 16, 2013 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 3:30 PM, 1407 NW 7 Street. The attendance sign in sheet is enclosed. MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee Chairman Jim Murley and Greenways Subcommittee Chairman Ernie Martin ran the meeting.
C/O Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |